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European Integration of the Republic of Moldova
tabled by the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) of Moldova at the IDU Executive Meeting, June 21st, 2023 in London
Taking note of Moldova’s firm commitment to join the European Union,
Applauding its considerable reform agenda and its determination to advance towards future EU membership, despite the successive crises triggered by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine,
Commending Moldova’s stance against Russia’s barbaric war and praising Moldova’s continued efforts in supporting Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, including via a Moldovan Parliament resolution of condemnation of Russia’s war of aggression, war crimes, and brutal violation of the principles of international law.
Appreciating the fact that the Republic of Moldova has taken more than one million Ukrainian refugees and is currently hosting around 80,000 refugees, mostly women and minors,
Noting the decisive steps taken by the Republic of Moldova to improve the functioning of the judiciary, including the progress of implementing the pre-vetting procedure for new members of the Superior Council of the Magistracy and the Superior Council of Prosecutors as well as the progress on the prosecution of a number of high-profile anti-corruption cases, including those related to the one-billion-dollar bank fraud.
The International Democrat Union:
• Acknowledges that the Moldovan economy has been severely affected by lost trade, a decrease in foreign investment, and an increase in energy and transport prices. Russia, employing domestic Russian-sponsored actors, has used the economic fallout from the war to foment anti-government and anti-European sentiments in Moldova in the hope of destabilizing the country.