Forum Speakers & Participants
Featured Speakers

Lord Michael Ashcroft
IDU Honorary Chairman

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia
Vice President of the Republic of Ghana

Candice Bergen, MP
Former Interim-Leader,
Conservative Party of Canada

Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Ghana

Congressman Dan Crenshaw

Thomas Erndl, MP

Antonia Ferrier
International Republican Institute

Tony Garrastazu
International Republican Institute

Newt Gingrich
50th Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives

Joseph Hage

Lord Dan Hannan

Eli Hazan

Andrew Michael Holness

Janez Janša
Former Prime Minister, Slovenia

Wladimir Klitschko

Brandon Lewis

Robert Lighthizer

Rick Loughery

Ronna McDaniel
RNC Chairwoman

Congresswoman Lisa McLain

Premier Scott Moe

Scott Morrison

Dara Murphy

Ron Nehring

Crystal Patterson

Vice President Mike Pence

Danielle Pletka

Parker Hamilton Poling

Mihail Popsoi

President Petro Poroshenko

Nicola Richards

President Maia Sandu

Diego Schalper

Dennis Shea

Marco Solares

Erna Solberg

Senator Dan Sullivan

Behnam Ben Taleblu

Shane Tews

Yulia Tymoshenko

Kurt Volker

Congressman Mike Waltz

Kenneth Weinstein

Michael Wurmser