Ukraine Flag Wrinkled On Dark Background 3D Render
The International Democrat Union (IDU) reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of Russia’s unprovoked and premeditated, barbaric and violent large-scale invasion of Ukraine of February 24, 2022. It keeps viewing this decision of the Russian leadership, primar- ily by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin personally, as an act of war of ag- gression and open terror, an attempted genocide against the Ukrainian people and the Ukrain- ian statehood, and clear and fragrant violation of the international law and the global rules- based order.
The IDU states that none of its plans Russia has ever managed to accomplish, nor come close to. It applauds Ukraine’s resilience that has admired the world of democracies and make it get united behind Ukraine as never before. Neither the brutality of Russian forces in Ukraine, nor assaults on its territory, nor continued mass shelling of Ukraine with missiles and drones have ever made Ukraine’s counter action weaker or less courageous. The IDU rests of opinion that the world of democracies shall effectively match Ukraine’s sacrifice and dedication to our shared values and principles – something that still fall short of the aspired.
As Russian attempts to erase Ukraine continue, we were deeply shocked by the recent scale of destruction of civilian and energy infrastructure, including recent act of ecocide by the blasting of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, along with its water reservoir, – the big- gest in Europe, mass and indiscriminate killings of peaceful citizens, rapes and torturing of civilians, war crimes and atrocities, committed in Ukraine by the Russian armed forces under the command of President Putin. Such acts of genocide and blatant violations of the interna- tional law must not be tolerated and all those responsible must be brought to international justice.
The IDU supports establishing an ad hoc international criminal tribunal to bring every Russian perpetrator of war crimes and aggression against Ukraine to justice. We are encouraged by the International Criminal Court’s warrants of arrest for first two individuals in the context of the situation in Ukraine, and call on all parties to the ICC to meet their obligations deriving from the ICC membership. As a grave violator of the international law, Russia shall have no more place to occupy among the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, for it has reached key principles of world order.
The IDU faithfully supports Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democracy, independence and sovereignty, territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders and its right to freely choose its international alliances. We reiterate our strong stand for the principles that no country can change the borders of another one by force, and no country can impose its will on another one. It is for Ukraine and its people to decide on their future. We commend the bravery of Ukrainian Armed Forces, volunteers, ordinary citizens, who united their efforts to defend their country and their nation from Russian war of aggression.
To this end, the International Democrat Union: